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Welcome to

The HARBOR Mission


One Smile at a Time

Our mission at THE HARBOR is all about families. We believe that a family is a group of people bound together by love! God's Design for the family is far greater than simply being "blood related." We are all created to walk together in unity and love one another as we love oursleves! Like one BIG HAPPY FAMILY!

Here at THE HARBOR, our mission is LOVE. Love heals the broken hearted!
Love conquers fear! Love defeats addiction!


We believe in the redemptive work of the cross and every human deserves another chance! Our desire is to see families fully restored; healthy and whole!  We have seen all walks of life and heard many unbelievable stories,  yet we still believe that His blood is enough!


People aren't getting a hand out through the mission; they are recieving the blessing of HOPE! Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but desire fullfilled is a
tree of life. Many are simply searching for even the smallest glimpse of HOPE!!


Every trip booked at Emerald Coast Charters plays a role in assisting local families in many areas. Whether it be restoration, rehabilition, or even relocation; every cent counts!

Thank you for your Prayers and Generous Support!!
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